Four is looking for a travel marketing savvy and tenacious account manager to join its dedicated and expert travel team. You will enjoy a wonderfully varied set of clients within an expanding team. The role will be engaged in everything from integrated destination strategies through to consumer campaign activations, trade sales development, stakeholder and insights work. You will bring our clients’ stories to life in an engaging and creative way, across sales and marketing channels. From working closely with trade partners to develop product and programmes to working with brand partners and
Mae Four Cymru yn asiantaeth greadigol ddwyieithog (Cymraeg/Saesneg), ddeinamig ac arloesol sydd wedi’i lleoli yng Nghaerdydd ac Aberystwyth, gyda swyddfeydd ehangach y grŵp yn Llundain, Sheffield a’r Dwyrain Canol. Rydym yn arbenigo mewn darparu datrysiadau dylunio arloesol ar gyfer ystod amrywiol o gleientiaid yn y sector cyhoeddus a phreifat. Mae ein tîm yn angerddol am greadigrwydd, cydweithredu, a gwthio ffiniau dylunio, gan ddefnyddio'r offer a’r methodolegau creadigol diweddaraf, gan gynnwys y cyfleoedd sy’n cael eu cynnig gan ddefnydd cyfrifol o dechnolegau AI sy'n dod i'r amlwg. Rydym
Four Cymru is a bilingual (Welsh/English), dynamic and innovative creative agency based in Cardiff and Aberystwyth, with wider group offices in London, Sheffield and the Middle East. We specialise in delivering innovative design solutions for a diverse range of clients in both the public and private sector. Our team is passionate about creativity, collaboration, and pushing the boundaries of design, employing the latest in creative tools and methodologies, including the opportunities provided by the responsible use of emerging AI technologies. We are seeking a talented and experienced
Join our dynamic creative and digital MENA team as an Account Manager! We are seeking a proactive, social media savvy professional with a strong background in account and client relations management across a range of clients from government to energy and corporate. As well as creative campaign & content development. If you are passionate about social media and ready to make an impact, apply now. How to apply: Please apply by the link below- We do not accept CVs from agencies.
Four is seeking account managers with 3+ years of experience in communications and public relations to join its growing Riyadh office. We are seeking proactive communications professionals with a strong background in account and client relations management, media relations & content development. The roles will work across a broad range of B2B and B2C clients spanning destinations, travel and tourism, brands and major infrastructure projects. You will have an excellent understanding and proven track-record of delivering and implementing winning PR & comms strategies; be used to working on
Join our dynamic creative and digital MENA team as an Account Manager! We are seeking a proactive, social media savvy professional with a strong background in account and client relations management, and creative campaign & content development. If you are passionate about social media and ready to make an impact, apply now. How to apply: Please apply by the link below- We do not accept CVs from agencies.
Four MENA is looking for a PR & Communications manager with at least 5 years’ experience for a Dubai client secondment in the health sector. The account manager role, working with the in-house team, requires: Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Arabic and English Bilingual copywriting and translation capabilities to create a range of marketing and communication materials Strategic experience in developing and executing communications content strategies How to apply: Please apply by the link below-